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    Talent Pool 2024

    Sun 28 July 2024 - Thurs 1 Aug 2024


    15-20way skyvan jumps

    Speedstar competition



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    Talent Pool 2024

    15-20ways for people who want a reference to be on 40ways.

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    BigGER Way Camp Registration

  • 4BigGERWay Skills Camp 2024 & Talent Pool 2024

    The best entertainment and education per skydive.


    • Sun 28 Jul - Thurs 1 Aug 2024
    • Skydive Pink, Klatovy, Czech Republic
    • Five days of jumping.
    • Optional but recommended: Sat 27 is arrival and warm up day and is strongly recommended. Fri 26 July will feature some tunnel min-camps to get your skils up just in time. Fri 2 Aug is boogie fun jump day.
    • 20-24 jumps.
    • Fun, smiles and cheesy high fives.
    • Please be ready for 8am Sun 28 July.
    • Day 5 on the ground for 15:30. RELEASE TIME 16:00 (normally there are flights to the UK, or wherever, leaving Prague after 8pm)


    • Skydivers who want to get bigway current again
    • Skydivers that want to learn bigway properly
    • Skydivers who want to have a fun trip. Obvs.
    • Skydivers that want a reference for other events


    • Skydivers who want multiple completions.
    • This camp isn't about completions. It's about learning the skills required in a no stress atmosphere. As soon as there is an expectation of completions, the stress increases, decisions are rushed and mistakes are more common. No stress. No blame.
    • You need to be aware that you will do some jumps in your comfort zone. And then you will be rotated into a slot that you are not comfortable with. 50kg people in the base? 100kg people on the outside? That's what we do here. Test yourself.
    • There were zero completions in 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2022. Perfect. But everyone came away more confident about performing under pressure in a traditional bigway environment AND they were all smiling.

      This is how you learn bigway properly.


    At the start of the event you must have:


    50 jumps experience after you have done a proficient 4way skydive (4 points or more). The assumption is that this is *at least* 75 jumps in total. Skydive Langar calls this 'FS1+', or older British skydivers may know it as 'old' FS1.

    Minimum 15 jumps in 3 months preceding this event, ie between 18th Feb - 17th May

    Minimum 2hrs tunnel total of which at least 1hr in the 3 months preceding this event, eg 18th Feb - 17th May.



    Practice Jump requirements:

    Please practice your tracking. Get used to tracking next to someone for a few seconds before fanning out and separating.

    Suggest you try this on at least two jumps ahead of the camp.


    Plan and jump a normal FS jump, 2 or 3 way. At 7k, turn and fly as a tracking team. Fan out at 5k, and deploy at 4. These altitudes are just a suggestion, feel free to modify them to make them more appropriate for your jump.


    NOTE: C licence (200 jumps logged in your logbook) required to jump from high altitude with O2 and to jump the balloons. If you're close, make it happen.


    1) Read this website.

    2) Pay the reg fee. Details in the reg form or available by email.

    3) Fill in the reg form.


    (scroll down this website to see the list of confirmed attendees - once registration is open, obviously)

    🪂 THE PLAN

    This is how you learn bigway properly.


    Friday Tunnel mini-camps in Prague

    Saturday optional warm up day with free LO

    Sunday: Day 1

    Monday: Day 2. 10way Speed Star competition. Potential innhopp

    Tuesday: Day 3

    Wednesday: Day 4 Potential innhopp

    Thursday: Day 5


    Nominally 4-5 jumps per day but we'll flex if weather requires it. Option of a 'special' jump on one or more evenings. See below.


    Same as BigGER Way Skills Camp. Sliding Scale. The bigway FS scene is ageing. To encourage younger skydivers to join we're using a sliding scale.

    • Registration fee = £195 (equivalent to £39 per day for LO and camera on five jumps - a massive bargain. Equivalent to less than 4 mins in the tunnel)
    • Under 30? Discounted reg fee = £140
    • In full time education? Discounted reg fee = £110 (equivalent to only £22 per day, or approx 2 mins in the tunnel)

    Credit card options exist in the registration form. Bank transfer saves 1.4% card handling fee. Euro bank account details exist too.


    The reg fee covers your LO and cameraflyer costs for 5 jumps per day for 4 days.


    PS The sliding scale seems to work so happy to keep it for a sixth year. Would love to hear your feedback.


    PPS The credit card company takes 20p and 1.5% from every card transaction. After feedback from participants on previous events, I have included a voluntary option to cover the 1.5%. This is totally optional and not expected at all.


    PPPS if a simple thing like money is the only thing stopping you from registering... speak to me. We might be able to find a flexible solution. I just want people to jump.

    🪂 SAFETY

    We all want to come home in one piece...

    • No turns greater than 90deg under 1500 feet. 
    • There shouldn't really be any turns greater than 90deg over 1500 feet either.
    • Land in the same direction, as indicated. OR land well away from everyone else. So far away we can't film you.
    • If your downwind leg is on one side of the landing area, then you should NOT travel the whole width of the landing area on your cross wind leg as you'll be cutting everyone else up.
    • If multi plane, suggest you carry a phone with you. I've landed off on more multi plane jumps than wingsuit jumps. No one wants it to happen. But...
    • Make sure you have the number of the DZ stored in your phone.  
    You will need to prove yourself safe in freefall and especially under canopy at all times, especially on the 40ways. We'll be watching and assessing you from the moment you arrive at the dirt dive (don't be late) until you're back in the packing tent. Be safe. Be polite in your words AND your actions. Look out for each other. We want you to jump multi-plane. BUT more importantly we have to make sure that the other 39 jumpers in the group plus your friendly cameraflyer are not put at unnecessary risk.

    By coming on this trip you are confirming that with appropriate training and encouragement you will be able to safely fly 40ways. We will do our very best to help you. However, if you're unable to fly in 40ways safely, or sufficiently competently; your approach is uncontrolled, your tracking is inefficient or your canopy control is reckless, or maybe you're just having a bad day, at some point you will be asked to stand down from the group.


    You should have at least 50 jumps post 'old' FS1/FS1+ (or equivalent, eg 4 point 4way) to be considering this event.


    You should have at least 2hrs of tunnel flying experience and at least 1hr of tunnel flying in the 3 months prior to the camp. Tunnel time can be as cheap as £59 for 15mins at a Party People event in MK. or £75 for 20mins at a FAB Scrambles in Basingstoke.


    If you have >200 jumps then you'll be able to take part in the O2 jump(s) from >15k. At least one jump. No more than two. Unless everyone has >200 jumps and wants to get high.


    You should try some 'tracking team' jumps before you arrive. At least 2 jumps. Try and fly close to each other, start slow and get faster. The aim is maximum horizontal distance travelled.

    Tracking teams are great. But we only seem to use them on the big jumps. This means when you're on the biggest skydive of your life, and your audible beeps 6k, suddenly you're doing something you've never done before. Unnecessary stress. But with practice? You'll nail it.


    You should be aware of and understand the following bigway terms;

    • Quadrants
    • Radials
    • Stadium Approach
    • Red Zone
    • Tracking teams

    You don't need experience of doing these though, that's what this camp is for. If we don't make a single completion BUT everyone comes back confident they've got the skills to nail a bigway formation record AND we're all smiling? That would be just perfect.


    But obvs... I'd love some cool photos too. That's what facebook is for, right?


    The DZ have confirmed that there will be two skyvans on the DZ.


    Jump tickets at Klatovy are EUR42.50 each. (price correct as of Jan 2024)


    The planes are equipped with O2 and can go to FL20. Single plane 02 jumps are marginally more likely than multi-plane 02 jumps.


    The costs are:

    4200m / 13,800 ft AGL is EUR 42.50 (No O2 required)

    4800m / 15,750 ft AGL is EUR 52.50
    5200m / 17,100 ft AGL is EUR 59.50

    6000m / FL20 / 19,700 ft AGL is EUR 66


    Klatovy is about 1k ASL so we'd get 1k less than stated numbers. ie if we're going to do it, we're going all in. To the top. Well, at least once anyway.


    The DZ owns two hot air balloons. Two! All jumpable. Approx EUR 120 per jump. They fly every morning and evening if the conditions allow. It's recommended and we'll flex where we can to allow you to jump these.


    And no, I've never heard of a multi-balloon jump either.


    C licence is required, or a logbook showing 200 jumps.


    • Innhopps are AMAZING. 
    • We'd jump one evening and land out. Somewhere. Somewhere scenic. Somewhere.
    • Because you haven't seen the landing area, except in a rudimentary drawing, your senses are heightened making it an amazing experience. 
    • Transport back to the DZ would be included. 2018 there was free beer on the landing area, fire dancers, a cowboy on his horse and a live band. I shit you not. 2019 we landed at a fucking castle and there was free beer on the landing area, dinner and tours of the castle. 2020... someone landed at the far end of the field, slung their canopy over their shoulder, climbed on the back of a local's motorbike and got a ride to where the beer was waiting.
    • All the boring stuff is included like ground crew, transport for ground crew, smokes for landing direction, boat crew if near water, extra fuel for the plane, transport home for everyone etc etc, blah blah blah. 
    • We've no idea on costs but last year, if I remember correctly, it was 1 jump ticket plus EUR30.
    • Just bring money for extra beers and food.
    • Optional. Also an option to ride the bus there to join us.
    • No need to decide now. Decide at the event.
    • This is not guaranteed to happen. However, we will endeavour to make this happen. It's the icing on the cake.  



    • Please be on the DZ for 8am on Day1. DZ registration can be a little slow. We'd like to be on a call for 9am.
    • You'll be released no later than 1600 on Day5 in order to make the late flights home to the UK, or wherever.
    • Camping is free
    • DZ Bunkhouse is cheap and clean and very close.
    • We're working on a hotel package. Don't feel you have to if you've got a bigger budget. Costs are pretty reasonable. Standard hotel price is about 30-35 euro per night inc breakfast. Expect breakfast to be typically Czech. Expect twin beds to be separate mattresses but one double bed frame. I don't know why, it's just what they do there.
    • It is likely accommodation will be tricky and single rooms at a premium. :-(
    • If you know you want a single room you will probably have to sort your own accommodation.
    • Nearest airports are Prague and the ones in southern Germany. Assume Prague will be most popular but suggest you do your own checks.

    🪂 FUN

    I'll be LO for some chilled warm up jumps the day before.


    After the event I'll be unwinding with some fun boogie jumps on the Friday. Wingsuit rodeos, freefly, big big star formations, 9way tubes. Anything goes. Join me?


    Event tshirts are notoriously hard to get right. I don't do them. I am happy to assist and guide someone else sorting them though.


    2018 - event tshirts for the BigWay Skills Camp were crowd sourced. John Horne was 'the man'. He designed them and found a manufacturer.


    2019 - The legends of Sun Path Products subsidised the event tshirts - it was a one off. Shirts supplied by Manufactory. Approx USD 70 per shirt. Wow. Amazing. Jemma Westing was the designer to rule all designers.


    2020 - hahahaha.


    2022 - ugh, I was persuaded to do tshirts for my big 3 events of the year. I am still having issues with them. Something (everything?) always goes wrong.


    2023 - Thanks to David and Damien for the old school cotton tshirts with unique design.


    2024 -If you want to make it happen, please be my guest. I'm happy to help. Thank you.


  • 🪂 Small Print

    E&OE. Registration fee is your deposit and secures your place. Non-refundable but can be swapped if you find someone to take your place - I will help as best I can. By coming on this trip you are confirming that with appropriate training and encouragement you will be able to safely fly 40ways. We will do our very best to help you. However, if you're unable to fly in 40ways safely; your approach is uncontrolled, your tracking is inefficient or your canopy control is reckless, or maybe you're just having a bad day, at some point you will be asked to stand down from the group.


    - Places are limited. We need at least 40 to go ahead.

    - If your Govt, or the Czech Govt forbids you from travelling there would be a 100% refund.

    - If the Czech Govt requires a period of quarantine on entry, then there would be a 100% refund.

    - If your Govt allows you to travel but recommends against it for all but 'essential reasons' there would be a 100% refund.

    - If your Govt allows you to travel without an essential reason (eg holidays) but imposes restrictions, eg a period of quarantine, then this would be your responsibility.

    - Deposits are non-refundable (with the above exceptions) but is transferable. I'd do everything I can to help you find a replacement.

    - If the May event is cancelled this event will become a 20way event instead.


    In 2020, some Czech events weren't able to be held but the planes were able to fly to Cottbus in Southern Germany. I'm told their landing area is even larger. I hope we don't have to consider this but we might have to. It's not that far of a drive from Klatovy, a couple of hours so flights wouldn't need changing.


    Everything here is reported as I've been told. Be aware though that planes can break. Fuel prices can go up. Weather can be shite. Balloons can be taken out by a bird with a sharp beak. DZOs can offer to pay for a 3rd plane to carry one skydiver to altitude solely to get outside video or they can change their minds. Volcanoes, earthquakes, locust swarms, meteor strikes, black holes, zombie hordes and virus pandemics all happen. Brian is not responsible. Blah blah blah. :-)



  • Reviews and Testimonials

    Read the reviews from all of my events. 426x 5* reviews from 18 events.

    (Rookie Rumble x5, Big Way Skills Camp x6, BigGER Way Skills Camp x3, PUPS x2, Starlets x1, BigFTunnel x1)